03.02.2025 | 8 min read
Measure what you treasure: How (and why) you should track wellbeing at work
Here’s the progress we’ve made on measuring workplace wellbeing so far – and where we’re headed next.
05.09.2024 | 10 min read
Reflecting on Season 2 of the Working On Wellbeing podcast
What I’ve learnt from the wellbeing expert guests in Season 2 of the Working on Wellbeing podcast
23.07.2024 | 6 min read
Our reaction to the new UK government’s plans – yes to growth, but only if we’re growing the right things
Our take on the new UK government’s plans: A step forward for wellbeing… but now is the time for a giant leap.
26.06.2024 | 4 min read
What would a wellbeing approach to government look like?
Five key policies that could emerge as priorities if we adopted a wellbeing first approach in government.
18.06.2024 | 6 min read
Wellbeing is not a luxury
In manifesto launch week in the UK, why wasn’t wellbeing front and centre of all the manifestos?
16.05.2024 | 8 min read
Wellbeing at Work: legislation has to be the next step
A call from Chris Cummings, Group CEO of Wellbeing at Work, to focus on legislation as the next step for workplace wellbeing.