11.01.2024 | 3 min read
Jack & Grace partners with World Wellbeing Movement to put wellbeing at the heart of public policy
B Corp certified communications agency, Jack & Grace, has partnered with the World Wellbeing Movement to support its social impact mission.B Corp certified communications agency, Jack & Grace, has partnered with not-for-profit social impact organisation, the World Wellbeing Movement, to support its mission of putting wellbeing at the heart of decision-making both in business and public policy.
Powered by research from the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford, and supported by a coalition of global leaders from business, civil society and academia, the World Wellbeing Movement aims to improve the quality of life of people across the world, by putting wellbeing first.
Sarah Cunningham, Managing Director of the World Wellbeing Movement, said: “When it comes to evaluating public policy, our society has become addicted to measuring Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It’s a comfortable habit, but longstanding work from leading economists, such as our co-founder, Prof Lord Richard Layard, provides us with crucial evidence to show that it’s the wrong tool for measuring what matters most.”
“Instead of focusing on measuring the monetary value of all the goods and services produced in an economy during a given period, why not instead measure societal progress through a wellbeing lens. What we measure matters, because it guides what we prioritise.
“While the concept of moving ‘Beyond GDP’ and making population wellbeing the overarching goal of governments across the world is not new, progress to date has been disappointingly slow. That’s why the World Wellbeing Movement is focused on moving beyond discussion to real-world action. And that’s why we are delighted to partner with Jack & Grace to support us in this aim.”
As communications partner, Jack & Grace has been briefed to deliver a campaign that shifts thinking about how society measures success, and what might change if government decisions were made with wellbeing as their focus.
Nyree Ambarchian, co-founder of Jack & Grace, said: “We love to design campaigns that challenge perceptions and change behaviour in a way that improves lives, so partnering with the World Wellbeing Movement to bolster their mission to put wellbeing at the heart of policy-making is right up our street.”
As a certified B Corp, Jack & Grace only works with brands that have purpose at the heart. Find out more at www.jackandgrace.co.uk